SUMIF formula in Excel
12. TRIM
The TRIM formula in Excel is denoted =TRIM(text). This formula will remove any spaces entered before and after the text entered in the cell. For example, if A2 includes the name " Steve Peterson" with unwanted spaces before the first name, =TRIM(A2) would return "Steve Peterson" with no spaces in a new cell.
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Email and file sharing are wonderful tools in today's workplace. That is, until one of your colleagues sends you a worksheet with some really funky spacing. Not only can those rogue spaces make it difficult to search for data, but they also affect the results when you try to add up columns of numbers.
Rather than painstakingly removing and adding spaces as needed, you can clean up any irregular spacing using the TRIM function, which is used to remove extra spaces from data (except for single spaces between words).
The formula: =TRIM(text).
Text: The text or cell from which you want to remove spaces.
Here's an example of how we used the TRIM function to remove extra spaces before a list of names. To do so, we entered =TRIM("A2") into the Formula Bar, and replicated this for each name below it in a new column next to the column with unwanted spaces.
Below are some other Excel formulas you might find useful as your data management needs grow.
13. LEFT, MID, and RIGHT
Let's say you have a line of text within a cell that you want to break down into a few different segments. Rather than manually retyping each piece of the code into its respective column, users can leverage a series of string functions to deconstruct the sequence as needed: LEFT, MID, or RIGHT.
Purpose: Used to extract the first X numbers or characters in a cell.
The formula: =LEFT(text, number_of_characters)
Text: The string that you wish to extract from.
Number_of_characters: The number of characters that you wish to extract starting from the left-most character.
In the example below, we entered =LEFT(A2,4) into cell B2, and copied it into B3:B6. That allowed us to extract the first 4 characters of the code.
LEFT formula in Excel
Purpose: Used to extract characters or numbers in the middle based on position.
The formula: =MID(text, start_position, number_of_characters)
Text: The string that you wish to extract from.
Start_position: The position in the string that you want to begin extracting from. For example, the first position in the string is 1.
Number_of_characters: The number of characters that you wish to extract.
In this example, we entered =MID(A2,5,2) into cell B2, and copied it into B3:B6. That allowed us to extract the two numbers starting in the fifth position of the code.
MID formula in Excel
Purpose: Used to extract the last X numbers or characters in a cell.
The formula: =RIGHT(text, number_of_characters)
Text: The string that you wish to extract from.
Number_of_characters: The number of characters that you want to extract starting from the right-most character.
For the sake of this example, we entered =RIGHT(A2,2) into cell B2, and copied it into B3:B6. That allowed us to extract the last two numbers of the code.