The Zombie Of All Worlds
Truth Rests In Lies
Truth is hard to find sometimes
Truth knows where to hide from you
Truth ducks behind rocks and trees so that you only catch glimpses
He jumps up behind you and scares you sometimes
Sometimes it feels like he died
And sometimes he is just there as you sit with your normal friends
Sometimes he is there when you sit and talk to your siblings
He is there when your sister pulls you aside and asks what happened
He is there when family died
He is there when family is born
He is there when you need him
And sometimes when you don’t
He can be sad
He can be happy
He can be mad
Honestly truth is just like family
You love him, you hate him, and sometimes you wish he didn’t exist
But no matter what you think you wish
You know that life wouldn’t be the same without him
Sometimes he pushes your buttons
You play hide-and-seek with him
He is a good hider
He is also is a good seeker
He is the absolute best hide-and-seek player
He usually hides in his room that he named
He named it lies
You don’t like his room named lies
Lies is a bad place
Sometimes you wonder
Why truth rests in lies
You realized recently that truth has been resting a lot
Just about always
Truth rests in lies
You have been trying to get him to stop
It hurts sometimes
Sometimes he hits me when I try
It hurts when he hits me
You realize he wasn’t going to stop resting today
You guess you will try again tomorrow
Maybe he will stop resting
So you will have to allow him to continue
Continue to rest in lies
On top of the bed that grows which he names secrets
He rests in lies on top of his ever growing bed of secrets
Pretty soon you don't know him anymore
Truth might as well be your other brother false
False, truth’s identical twin
False, you always think that truth is false and false is truth
It is hard to tell the difference sometimes
Usually you can’t tell the difference until you already mixed it up a hundred times
Looking at them next to each other messes with your head
Don’t worry everyone gets it wrong
They will never get it right on the first guess
They sound alike look alike and usually say the same things
False and truth are quite close
They always are together
They play pranks and pretend they are each other just for laughs
It annoys you
Sometimes it even makes you sad
It makes you sad that they tricked you
It makes you sad that it crossed their mind to trick you
It makes you mad that they tricked you
It makes you mad that they can
You don’t try but sometimes you are tired
Or sometimes you want false to be truth
Because you like truth better
Sometimes you wish that false would rest in lies on the evergrowing bed of lies
That seems to be the way it is
You think that truth would sleep in false’s room
Which he named after his brother
Truth should rest in truth while false should rest in lies
That isn’t how it works though
They don’t rest in the rooms they should rest
They are rebels
They don’t want to do what they should do
So they don’t
Instead truth rests in false’s room
Truth rests in lies.